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dc.descriptionPonencia participante en el Congreso Internacional de Mantenimiento Industrial 20198 (COINMI), organizado en esta ocasión por la Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz.es_MX
dc.description.abstract"The manufacture of metal rings for the construction of buildings in Mexico has been done by hand and over time has been improving with new techniques and better technology. These elements of construction were previously manufactured entirely manually, the workers (or craftsmen) used only 2 poles of small size to support the wire rod and be able to deform it. This process causes excess tiredness to the worker and the execution time is long and it is not very effective. Then machines emerged, which performed the bending with a lever and two bearings. Nowadays there are tube machines that work automatically, however these machines are very expensive and not manageable, another disadvantage is the difficulty to operate them. In order to overcome the aforementioned deficiencies, a portable ring bending machine is designed. The prototype deforms the material using a lever and a bearing, the above is done to give a better shape to the wire rod."es_MX
dc.publisherUniversidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruzes_MX
dc.subjectMantenimiento Industriales_MX
dc.titleMáquina dobladora de anilloses_MX
dc.authorVERONICA FLORES SANCHEZ*info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/*344279es_MX
dc.authorARELY VALLEJO HERNANDEZ*info:eu-repo/dai/mx/orcid/*0000-0001-9249-5458es_MX
dc.authorCarlos Alberto Ventura de la Paz*info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/*344711es_MX
Aparece en las colecciones: COINMI 2018

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