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dc.descriptionPonencia presentada en el Congreso Internacional de Mantenimiento Industrial (COINMI) 2018, organizado por la Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz.es_MX
dc.description.abstract"Nowadays one of the materials most used by humans is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), or better known as plastic. However, its high demand causes a large production and waste capacity, which combined with its long resistance to degradation makes it last in the environment for much longer, causing great damage to the ecosystem and becoming a terrible ally for the environmental pollution. In Mexico, we are the second consumer of PET containers for packaged beverages in the world using approximately 450 thousand tons; and the first for bottled water containers, where in 2014 alone, 21 million PET bottles were produced per day, of which only 20 were recycled by the way. The main objective of this project is to build a medium-cost polyethylene terephthalate (PET) crushing equipment that contributes to the reduction of waste and promotes the recycling culture. This with the idea of being able to replicate it later and implement it in different areas of the region."es_MX
dc.publisherUniversidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruzes_MX
dc.subjectMantenimiento Industriales_MX
dc.titleEquipo de trituración para el reciclado polietileno tereftalato (PET)es_MX
dc.authorANA CRISTINA LOPEZ CHACON*info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/*509850es_MX
dc.authorURIEL ALEJANDRO HERNANDEZ SANCHEZ*info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/*482289es_MX
Aparece en las colecciones: COINMI 2018

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