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dc.contributor.authorVICTOR RIVERAes_MX
dc.description.abstract"Betalains extracts were obtained from Fuchsia bougainvillea (Bougainvillea sp.) by using ethanol and distilled water acidified with 1% citric acid. The Betalains present were identified by UV-Vis spectroscopy (~ 537 nm), signal from which the total concentration of betalains was obtained. A stability study was performed on the extracts at different storage temperatures by calculating its concentration over time. The conditions to which the measurements performed were: pH 5.5 (the most stable for this pigments) and temperatures of 4 ° C, 25 ° C and 40 ° C. The temperature has a greater influence on the degradation of betalains, since when stored at high temperatures degrade more rapidly at room temperature degradation slower more however occurs, and 4 ° C samples are stable for at least the time period to which the study was conducted."es_MX
dc.relationM. Román, C. Aniceto, S. Pineda, I. Alatriste y V. Rivera. Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Tecnología, Handbook T-VI págs. 51-62. ©ECORFAN- Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato, 2014.es_MX
dc.sourceCiencias de la Ingeniería y Tecnología Handbook T-VI: Congreso Interdisciplinario de Cuerpos Académicos, 2014, (ISBN 978-607-8324-25-5)es_MX
dc.subjectProcesos Alimentarioses_MX
dc.titleExtracción y estudio cinético de la degradación de las betalaínas presentes en la bugambilia fucsia (bougainvillea sp), una alternativa como colorante alimentarioes_MX
dc.authorISMAEL ALATRISTE PEREZ*info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/*658107es_MX
Appears in Collections:Artículos

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