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Title: Envases PET como elemento de relleno en baches de vía pavimentadas.
Keywords: Mantenimiento Industrial
Issue Date: Jul-2018
Abstract: "The purpose of this work is to inform & raise awareness for search different potential applications for PET bottles, the Hypothesis proposed is to put PET bottles filling with sand into paved road holes with the purpose of gain filling volume, correcting the hole and use the less quantity of asphalt in this process. It is known from studies conducted by different instances that the vast majority of PET bottles of various shapes have a high mechanical strength, low deformation. Previous studies show that the bottles for carbonated drinks and mineral water meet these specifications well. It has also been shown that these bottles increase their resistance significantly (up to 140%) to be filled with sand or polyethylene high and low density, in addition to having a greater resistance to cyclic static loads (passage of cars by the same point). The test design that is intended to be tested, it is expected to have a deformation within a range of up to 20 millimeters and increase the useful life of the filled hole. The bottles must be in good condition since most of their resistance is provided by the sand or plastic material confined inside."
metadata.dc.language: spa
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